Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have been challenged of late by the Cross of Christ. Easter is such a special season for us as Christian because it reminds us that God is forever calling us. The challenge for me has been this - how have I responded to this call? At first it was an eager "YES", until I realized that it is a call that takes me into the desert and then the cross.

So my enthusiastic "YES" is not all that enthusiastic anymore.

But His love for me compels me to respond with a "YES".

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who not What!

My family spent the week in Cape Town (without me) visiting family. At first I really enjoyed the "freedom" to do what I want when I want! So everyday I got on my shiny new tt (triathlon) bike and loved my time alone cycling away, but towards the end of the week, as much I love my new bike, I was reminded that it matter not what you have in your life but what really counts is who you have in your life. So all the things in my life could not give me nearly the same fulfillment and joy as the people in my life, the people we so often take for granted! It is a good thing to often remind the people in your life that they do mean more to you than all the stuff in your life.