Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Recognizing God's Voice

So often we feel God is speaking to us but we are not sure if it really is God or just my own desires. Or you might feel that God never speaks to you...how do we recognize the voice of God in our lives in the midst of so many other voices?

I John 4:1 "Don't always believe everything you hear just because somebody says it's a message from God. Test it first to see if it really is."

The bible say we must test it – but what criteria should we use and what are the questions we need to ask that will help us discern whether or not this is in fact God speaking to me or not?

The first and probably most important question to ask is does it agree with the Bible.

Luke 21:33 "heaven and earth will pass away but My
words will never pass away."

God will never tell you to violate anything in this book. Never. God will never tell you to ignore or disobey anything in this book. He doesn't say one thing one time, and another thing another time. God is consistent. If He said it in the past, He's going to say it in the future.

So for example God will never tell you to not pay your taxes because He has already instructed us to do so in the Bible.

Most of God's will for your life is already right there in the Bible. You don't even have to pray about it. Just do what it says.