Thursday, March 31, 2011

Celebrate You!

I have come to discover that most people are unhappy with who they are or least with some aspect of who they are and we pray prayers that go something like this: "Lord please make me more like...(this or that person)"

Now I am not sure that this is the best way of praying, why? Well, because no one is perfect!

You hang around people long enough and you will quickly discover that every personality (type) has its positives and negatives.

Celebrate how God made you. Rejoice in who you are and rather pray something like this: "Lord make me the best possible version of me"

You might look at Peter (the guy in the Bible)and think what a hot headed fool, so full of himself, never thinking before speaking, he always "reacts" to a situation rather that "respond", not a good leader...etc.

But if I am not mistaken isn't he the guy that Jesus said he will build His church on?

Thank God for creating YOU and that you ARE part of His plan.

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