Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The God who calls us..."Come follow me"

I started this blog to record my Ironman 70.3 journey and to share the lessons learnt along the way, but then a very dear friend of mine reminded me that others enjoy my blog and find it meaningful and that I should blog more often - so here goes...

The season of Lent reminds me that God has a plan for his people, humanity, creation and so our God is a God that forever calls us... he calls us out of our places of brokenness, pain and hopelessness,  into his presence, into healing, into life, into purpose, wholeness and hope; “Come follow me...” he called the Israelites from slavery, he called the Essenes, he called Elijah, he called Moses, he called John the Baptist : "Came follow me" and this journey has two key  stops, two key moments that I believe repeat themselves over and over in our lives (perhaps because we slow learners or stubborn) but they are key in reaching our destination which ultimately is eternal life in the presence of God. 

The first is the desert, the desert is so important throughout scripture, we see the desert experience in the lives of all the key figures in the Bible,  because it teaches obedience and devotion which is necessary if we are to progress along this journey. The desert is where I realize that God needs to be part of my life if I am to "survive"

The second key moment along this journey is the cross! Complete surrender to God to the point of dying to self. This is where God doesn’t just have a piece of me but he is at the centre and my whole life revolves around Him. The Cross is where I realize that God shouldn't just be part of my life but that he should be at the center of my life should that I can "live life to its fullest"

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